Academic Work

These project were completed during architecture school. They are theoretical in nature.


Thesis: Ornament and Time

The role of ornament and the effects of absence:

What is the role of ornament in contemporary design? How does the presence or absence of ornament affect the relationship between buildings and their users? The past century has been host to some of the most stark innovations and transitions in architectural history. The effects of Modernism and the reactionary movements that followed have dramatically altered the built environment of every industrialized city. One of the original pillars of Modernism was a seemingly reductivist approach to ornament and decoration. The effects of abandoning one of architecture’s most universal features are still being realized and felt today.

A responsive interface:

This investigation asserts that active interaction, using digitally fabricated components, can foster a new and fundamentally contemporary relationship between buildings and their occupants. Utilizing dynamic building systems that respond to both environmental stimuli and also data driven by occupants, the project strives to re-investigate how we define ornament and how it transcends mere decoration.  The proposal stems from the renovation of a vacant and formerly ornamented building, who was damaged extensively by a mid-century modernist renovation.

French quarter public library

The design of this library on a dense and tight site explored varying levels of transparency, physical and phenomenal. Inpsirations were drawn from the buildings of SANAA and Curtis & Davis.

new orleans culinary college

The design grew out of a push to mix/blend programmatic elements in the building’s planning, and manifest this gesture with the building’s envelope, structure, and systems. 

This design incorporated many parametric modeling tools, such as maya and Rhino+Grasshopper.  3D printing allowed for physical prototyping of complex geometries to take place quickly.


As part of the dutch dialogues research project, a proposed Uptown pump station would alleviate New Orlean's current storm water system. A public park and museum are also components of the project. The challenge to create an inviting piece of infrastructure in an industrial neighborhood drove the design.